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Mini Word Editor on the Web (dhtml)

July 11, 2003 | Comments (0)

After rolling out a web application my customers asked for a fancy MS word editor instead of those raw-textareas. I said it wasn’t possible and proposed to use the usenet kind of markup to get *bold*, _underline_ and /italics/. But that was never implemented in the end. Just before rolling out version 2 we found a neat WYSIWYG editor using DHTML. Althoug it only worked on IE5.5 or higher we still decided to implement it. After some time I got the complaint from my customer that the DEL key didn’t work and also some other shortcut keys. Luckily I can say from today: “I know why”.

It costed me quite sometime to find out the reason but in the end it seemed that the problem was: frames. As soom as the editor was placed in a frame a number of key-shortcuts were gone like del, Ctrl-V/Ctrl-C, Ctrl-B etc… So at the moment we’re proposing to use a popup and probably wait for a fix.

Below you see the example if the editor:
WYSIWIG editor (5K)



Hi!, I would like to obtain this mini word editor, I apreciate If you could tell me how can I get this mini word editor

Posted by: :) Erika at July 29, 2003 6:34 PM

I'm just browsing around your site for the first time, interesting read

Posted by: :) Tracy at March 28, 2004 2:34 PM


Posted by: :) veera at September 26, 2005 12:41 AM

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