If you happen to have a D70 with these serial numbers then please be aware that these are stolen from Schiphol, Amsterdam!
4100064 4100100 4100112 4100118 4100160 4100244 4100274 4100316 4100580 4100065 4100101 4100113 4100119 4100161 4100245 4100275 4100317 4100581 4100066 4100102 4100114 4100120 4100162 4100246 4100276 4100318 4100582 4100067 4100103 4100115 4100121 4100163 4100247 4100277 4100319 4100583 4100068 4100104 4100116 4100122 4100164 4100248 4100278 4100320 4100584 4100069 4100105 4100117 4100123 4100165 4100249 4100279 4100321 4100585 4100676 4100754 4100844 4101108 4101132 4101144 4101162 4101180 4101198 4100677 4100755 4100845 4101109 4101133 4101145 4101163 4101181 4101199 4100678 4100756 4100846 4101110 4101134 4101146 4101164 4101182 4101200 4100679 4100757 4100847 4101111 4101135 4101147 4101165 4101183 4101201 4100680 4100758 4100848 4101112 4101136 4101148 4101166 4101184 4101202 4100681 4100759 4100849 4101113 4101137 4101149 4101167 4101185 4101203
The cameras carry a Warranty Card with the address of Nikon’s Spanish distributor:
Finicon S.A. C/ Ciencias, 81 Nave-8 Poligono Pedrosa 08908 L'Hospitalet de LLobregat Barcelona Spain
Please send me one if you happen to get one. Please contact your National Nikon Office
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