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The Rochester Sensor

May 14, 2006 | Comments (0)

The University of Rochester has made some breakthrough in digital photo sensor design. Mark Bocko — professor of electrical and computer engineering — and Zeljko Ignjatovic — assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering — have designed a prototype sensor chip that uses 50% less power then the best sensor available today. The sensor also has a dynamic range 100 times better!

The other inovative design concept is the pixel arrangement. The new arrangement will allow to compress the image with far fewer computations than the best current compression techniques. fewer computations also mean less battery power.

“These two technologies may work together or separately to greatly reduce the energy cost of capturing a digital image. One is evolutionary in that it pushes current technology further. The second may prove to be revolutionary because it’s an entirely new way of thinking about capturing an image in the first place.” — Bocko


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