One of the first farms on the route taken around 20:55, I think a started a bit late as the sky could have a bit more exposure. I even pushed it a bit in PhotoShop but that showed a lot of noise in the blue channel. I’m quite happy with the exposure of the farm itself which was spot metered on the darker parts of the walls. I have however some problems with the assigned sRGB color profile. I looks very different on Apple and Windows. Safari shows the walls in much warmer colors then Windows. Embedding an ICC color profile in the jpg does not seem to make a difference. Anyone knows what to do about this?
Ok, I guess this is clear for everybody, ‘very much noise’ and ‘extremely’ bad image quality. It even has a hot pixel. I desperately need — no require — a Nikon D3…
You are taking very good pictures with your 5700 for years now. No need for other equipment!
But, perhaps, if you want to make use of the old glass again...