The iPad January 27, 2010 - Ok, agreed,… the iPad is ‘just’ a big iPhone and did not have many surprises. Maybe only the price as $499,- is half of what was expected. If I look at the couch usage of my iPhone, this one…
iPhone OS 4 January 20, 2010 - The new OS seems to be release with “The Tablet” instead of the next generation iPhone. It will possibly have: Background applications (or Multitasking). The current iPhone has a few multitasking apps mail, phone, sms already but you’re unable to…
Why no Apple 22" touchscreen iMac!? January 19, 2010 - I cannot believe Apple releasing an iMac with touch screen. A touch screen might be nice for a shop information system without keyboard but it has no use for day to day work. Within a few hours your arms can’t…
Blurring home January 16, 2010 - Blurring home; dec 2009;fiji f11; © janco tanis…
Greed January 14, 2010 - You are in a game show with nineteen other players. You don’t know the other players, you can’t see them, and you can’t communicate with them. The game you are in is called ‘Greed!’, and is straightforward to explain. You…
1k Chess January 10, 2010 - Chess for the ZX-81. Note that this computer has an OS and the chess program in 1K (1024 bytes). Nowadays if you store a bit on a disk it will consume more……
Sint is gone January 10, 2010 - Sint’s gone; december 2009; iPhone; © janco tanis with a little help from camera san……
Quote of the Day January 8, 2010 - “I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my telephone” — Bjarne Stroustrup…